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Auto Services

Shock & Strut Replacement Services

Jacksonville AAMCO
Automobile Suspension Services

Your automobile’s suspension system is what provides you with a comfortable ride and helps keep the wheels in contact with the road. If your ride’s not so comfortable anymore, it’s time to have your suspension system checked out by the expert mechanics at Jacksonville AAMCO.

Contact An AAMCO Mechanic If You Notice Any Of The Following:

  • Bouncy or Uncomfortable Ride While Driving
  • Car's Front or Rear End Sags
  • Frequent Bottoming Out
  • Loss of Vehicle Control When Stopping
  • You Are Swerving More than Normal While Changing Lanes

Schedule a Service   Call AAMCO! (877) 646-0229

Shock Service
Shocks are designed to provide a specific amount of resistance every time the wheels on your automobile bounce up and down, or when your automobile’s chassis leans as you make a turn. Shocks can wear out in as little as 25,000 to 30,000 miles due to the constant motion your automobile, truck or SUV is subjected to. It’s a good idea to have your shocks checked by a Jacksonville AAMCO mechanic about once a year or so for your safety and comfort. This inspection is included in Jacksonville AAMCO’s 36-point ProtectCheck Inspection.

Strut Service
Most front-wheel drive automobiles have a McPherson strut suspension system, which combines the coil springs and shocks into one unit. Struts control spring and suspension movement to keep tires in contact with the road. Struts cost more, but typically have a longer life than conventional shock absorbers. However, struts do wear out and should be checked by a Jacksonville AAMCO mechanic about once a year or so to be safe; their inspection is included in Jacksonville AAMCO’s 36-point ProtectCheck Inspection.

Coil Spring Service
Coil springs help shocks and struts keep automobile bounce to a minimum. All springs sag with age, as the spring weakens over time. Coil springs should be checked by a Jacksonville AAMCO mechanic about once a year or so for your comfort and safety; their inspection is included in Jacksonville AAMCO’s 36-point ProtectCheck Inspection.

10022 San Jose Blvd.
Jacksonville, FL 32257
(904) 262-2900 | 8:00 AM-6:00 PM
8721 Atlantic Blvd
Jacksonville, FL 32211
(904) 724-1477 | 8:00 AM-6:00 PM
7532 103rd St.
Jacksonville, FL 32210
(904) 772-7557 | 8:00 AM-6:00 PM
10691 Biscayne Blvd.
Jacksonville, FL 32218
(904) 757-5106 | 7:30 AM-5:30 PM

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